Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

A very interesting thing occurred in my second week of classes this semester. Two of my psychology classes I am currently in discussed Carol Dweck and her growth mindset approach. After learning some about her in this class during the first week, I was already semi-familiar with her stance and outlook on what a growth mindset was. I was able to use this and combine it with the other information from my two classes to get an even better understanding of myself and growth mindset in general. I think that I have two major faults in this area. First, I am somewhat of a perfectionist and can be mildly OCD. I like for things to go right the first time and when they don't it can really stress me out. I do not think that I am unwilling to learn new things or learn a new way to do something, but I do get very frustrated if that particularly thing does not work out for me. I am also not the best at asking a ton of questions when it comes to classwork. I tend more to stick to what I know and try to figure everything else out around this knowledge. To have more of a growth mindset I know that I should ask more questions when things do not add up and not to simply depend on my previous knowledge.

I think this class can definitely be used to work on these weaknesses. Since writing is not something I feel I am gifted in, it is a great way for me learn from my mistakes. Getting to work on my portfolio helps me to realize that I cannot be a perfectionist and that I am not going to get everything right not he first try. I am also having to read a lot of different types of stories while figuring out how to work canvas and the other sites/technology used so this makes me have to ask questions and expand my knowledge.


  1. I think it’s crazy that you just happened to talk about growth mindset in another class too! It’s always cool when different classes relate to each other in some way.

    But anyway, I can relate to not asking questions when I should be. I’ll usually do the same as you and stick with what I know, or I ask my classmates instead of the professor.

  2. That's very interesting that this was talked about in another class. I've never heard of growth mindset until this class, but I really like the idea and it's good to know that it is spreading. I also want things to go the right way the first time and revising in this class has been tough for me, but I feel like I have already stepped out of my comfort zone a lot with that. I'm glad you are working on your weaknesses too!
