Monday, August 22, 2016

A Few Of My Favorite Places

Throughout my 21 years, I have fallen in love with a lot of places I have traveled to, but there will always be three that feel like home.

Fort Worth, TX: Fort Worth is my hometown and probably my favorite out of the three places I am going to talk about. It's the place where I spent my days in school, learned to drive a car, and got to grow up with my siblings and cousins. When I feel homesick, it can most likely be cured with food from my favorite Fort Worth restaurants such as Sushi Axiom or Joe T Garcia's. I think what I love most about it is that one minute you can be in downtown surrounded by great shopping, Segway tours, and businessmen, and then the next minute you can be in the country surrounded by horses and the open sky.

Fort Worth Stock Yards

Norman, Oklahoma: I lived in Fort Worth for 18 years before I came to college. I went to the same small private school for 13 years there, graduating with only 75 people in my class. This made going to college out of state extremely scary for me. I don't like change, but I knew I needed to get out of my comfort zone when I left for college and this decision was one of the best I have ever made. Norman has become my ultimate home away from home and is a place that will always be so close to my heart. It is where I joined an amazing sorority, learned to truly be independent, pursued my education, and learned that being surrounded by good people is what matters most in life.  Even though it is not the place that I grew up, it is the place that will always feel like home to me. 

Norman welcome sign seen off Highway 9

The Big Island of Hawaii: Most people get the opportunity to vacation to Hawaii once or twice in their lives. I have had the privilege of traveling here almost every summer of my childhood and again these past few years. We bounced around the smaller islands when I was younger, but The Big Island is my favorite for a relaxing vacation. Not only does it have the most beautiful scenery, but the people are truly some of the best. Although the flight can be a beating when coming all the way from Texas, it is worth the 8-10 hours of travel every single time. Some of my favorite things to do are snorkeling, hiking the volcanos, and eating fresh island fruit. I consider anyone who gets to visit this amazing place even once to be extremely lucky. 

Personal image of a Hawksbill Turtle (taken in 2012)

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Lauren: I am also a huge fan of Fort Worth (such great museums!)... and I love Hawaii! We lived there for my freshman year of high school, and it was magical: going to live there made me realize that the world is a very big place. Are you interested in learning about Hawaiian mythology in this class? That is definitely a topic you can explore; I've got a Hawaii section at the free book library you might want to look at if you are curious; this Freebookapalooza site is one that you will be visiting in Week 2 to see what you can find of interest: Pacific Mythology and Folklore. There are so many beautiful books out there for Hawaii and other cultures of the Pacific too.

    And that turtle photo you took is amazing: maybe that turtle can be part of a story you write for this class... :-)
